Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Respond to other blog post.

This post is responded to my classmate's blog - Marcoooooo. His post talks about Break Dance and the best movie about this kind of dancing ''Step Up''. Marco's blog says: 'Break dance is a type of that is done by people who are a part of hip hop culture.' I do agree, but in now days, breakdance is not that much connected and related to hip-hop. Here you can see the original dancing, parts and moves of which are copied  in 'Step Up' movies. 

Monday, April 4, 2011

How to cook Pancakes.

Pancakes-one of my favorite dishes, is also traditional Russian food.

About two years ago, for my mother's birthday, I decided to make a Pancake Cake. Recipe was standard, except one special ingredient-secret.

That day I had to wake up early, so that no-one can see me. After cooking cake after cake, I realized that special ingredient really makes pancakes bigger, so that I can put one on another and add honey, serial or jam in between.

When my mom woke up, she was surprised and happy. Pancake Cake is always a perfect breakfast for Birthday :)

My favorite song lyrics - Rinochnie otnoshenia - Represent

This song is actually Russian Rap, that's what I got used to listen in Canada, far away from home.

The song is about Moscow, capital and my home-town."Здесь сверкает реклама и тут Московский Спартак. Этот город-мечта и тут отцовский расклад. " This quote says: "Here are bright advertisements and Moscow Spartak( Soccer Team). This is a city of dreams and you have to be careful here." It reminds me of walking in the center, where lots of advertisements on the streets and Soccer Fans.

"Я вдыхаю свой воздух, выходя в собственный сад. Моя Родина здесь-моря, поля, сотки, леса."
"I breathe with my own air, going out into my own garden. My Motherland is here-seas, fields, forests. "
These lines also remind me of my sweet childhood. By listening to this song, I'm trying to make the day of my flight back home sooner.