Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Respond to other blog post.

This post is responded to my classmate's blog - Marcoooooo. His post talks about Break Dance and the best movie about this kind of dancing ''Step Up''. Marco's blog says: 'Break dance is a type of that is done by people who are a part of hip hop culture.' I do agree, but in now days, breakdance is not that much connected and related to hip-hop. Here you can see the original dancing, parts and moves of which are copied  in 'Step Up' movies. 

Monday, April 4, 2011

How to cook Pancakes.

Pancakes-one of my favorite dishes, is also traditional Russian food.

About two years ago, for my mother's birthday, I decided to make a Pancake Cake. Recipe was standard, except one special ingredient-secret.

That day I had to wake up early, so that no-one can see me. After cooking cake after cake, I realized that special ingredient really makes pancakes bigger, so that I can put one on another and add honey, serial or jam in between.

When my mom woke up, she was surprised and happy. Pancake Cake is always a perfect breakfast for Birthday :)

My favorite song lyrics - Rinochnie otnoshenia - Represent

This song is actually Russian Rap, that's what I got used to listen in Canada, far away from home.

The song is about Moscow, capital and my home-town."Здесь сверкает реклама и тут Московский Спартак. Этот город-мечта и тут отцовский расклад. " This quote says: "Here are bright advertisements and Moscow Spartak( Soccer Team). This is a city of dreams and you have to be careful here." It reminds me of walking in the center, where lots of advertisements on the streets and Soccer Fans.

"Я вдыхаю свой воздух, выходя в собственный сад. Моя Родина здесь-моря, поля, сотки, леса."
"I breathe with my own air, going out into my own garden. My Motherland is here-seas, fields, forests. "
These lines also remind me of my sweet childhood. By listening to this song, I'm trying to make the day of my flight back home sooner.

Monday, February 28, 2011

My experience in scooter riding.

 My experience in scooter riding started on summer, 2007. Me and my friend were spending our vacation in small town, 100 km from Moscow. There were not many things to do, so we had to find something special.

Once, we were walking by the main street, talking about cars and motorcycles. My friend mentioned, that he has a scooter in the garage, there were still some work to do about it, like painting, mirrors and new tires. That was thing that blew my mind- I was all about technical and speed!

When I saw this scooter for the first time, I was really excited. We got some gas and started our every day riding trips. We had no helmets or protection clothes. This was a bit of extreme. For the first few rides my friend was driving, because he had some experience. Once I've asked him to handle scooter by myself.
Honda Tact

I've started from crazy acceleration and I felt, like something new had a beginning inside of me. From that moment we were sharing driving. We were riding to other cities and villages-everywhere we could.

Once I was driving and we had to stop on the traffic lights. Surprisingly, I've heard honk of the car behind us. That was my mom. I had to get in the mom's car and come back home.

My parents had a serious talk with me about safeness and responsibilities. I had to spend the rest of the summer in Moscow, but experience of scooter riding still reminds me of good times  :)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

A true short story from my life.

This story had a beginning in 2008. I was a grade 8 student in new school. My grades at most of my courses were good, except math. The only reason for this was that I didn't really care about studying and still my marks ware good. Math, math was hard. To understand I had to work hard in class and work even harder at home. At that time I was blaming everyone about it, but not myself. Furthermore, our math teacher was a perfectionist. She was doing homework check every day and her tests were not simple at all. I blamed her the most.

Every math class I was playing fool and joking around all the time. Even teacher couldn't do anything about that, she was moving me around the classroom, but that didn't help at all. My mom was asked to come to school because of my marks and behavior.

One day, it was monday as I remember, our math teacher was late. And she was never late to school. While our class was waiting outside the classroom, the headmaster came over and asked us to come in, she had bad news. In the morning our math teacher with hear daughter and another teacher got in a car crash. Two of them were in a hospital by that time, but our teacher had passed away. I couldn't believe that, I've never seen death in my life. Some of my mates already got pictures of the crash and the thing that I saw on it didn't look like a car.

This teacher had two university degrees and had a young daughter to care about. The car, that crashed in her car, was a car of old student from our school. No one could believe that it happened, I was died inside too.

When I came back from school that day and told my parents what happened they started to cheer me up, but nothing helped. For a month there was no math course in our school. When a new teacher came in I started to study, but my behavior in class was even worth. Now both of my parents got invited to meet headmaster and new teacher. When we came back home from school, my dad had a serious talk with me.

Only now I've realized, why my dad wasn't that hard on me. I wanted old teacher to come back, but she will never....

All of us learned a lesson from it, we have to appreciate, respect and love people around us, because we don't know what can happen and we will never see them again.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Basketball is my favorite sport.
 I'm a basketball fan. From young ages I've been watching basketball games on the TV. It always looked very interesting and magical to me. When players are going to attack another team or defending their hoop, it is like if two armies are battling by scoring points.

Most of all I like street-ball. It's the same game, except it takes place just on one hoop. One of my favorite street-ball players is Grayson Boucher, aka "Professor". He's been playing basketball since he could walk and his games are really incredible examples of being a professional. There is a video of his best game scores.

Professor-Grayson Boucher
As for me, I'm playing basketball and street-ball with my friends rather often. I can't compare my games with "Professor" ones, but still I'm not that bad. Last summer in Russia me and my friend were playing street-ball almost every day on basketball court( picture at the bottom). Now days, I can't play basketball because of my leg injury. I hope that soon I'll be able to play again.
Basketball playground in Russia

Friday, January 21, 2011

My life in Canada.

CIC official website 

Pine Hall Residence
In this post I'd like to tell you about my life in Canada.

I've arrived to Canada on October 2009. After coming out of the airport, me and my sister were going to our residences, I've been watching Canada through the taxi window. Most things that impressed me by that time were beautiful houses and stop signs( cabdriver was stopping at every sign stop on our way).

My residence( 3-d picture) was very empty, because all students were at school by that time. Buy tonight I already made friends with few guys from Africa and China.

Our school( 2-d picture) was kind of new for me, as so as everything were different from my old school in Russia, like lockers and small garden at the middle of school building. Education system is also different, even though I'm alright with it now.

Now I'm in Canada for a long time. I've seen some of my friends got expelled, got scholarships and won sport rewards. As for me, I do take part in school life and really enjoy it. By the way, my new goal is moving out of the residence to home-stay.

That's my experience and I hope it's going to help me in the future.